Partners foundations

The Allianz Cultural Foundation
The partnership between the Allianz Foundation and the Hippocrene Foundation was formalised around the Paris-Berlin Grand Prize ceremony held on 14 June 2013. This mirror award was organised for the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty between France and Germany.
The Allianz Foundation provides financial support mainly to international, intercultural and cooperative projects that promote cultural exchanges, dialogue and mutual understanding within the context of European integration. The Allianz Cultural Foundation (Allianz Kulturstiftung) seeks out innovative projects in terms of content or methodology that adopt and bring into light new approaches to the fields of art, culture and education.

Genshagen Foundation
“The Genshagen Foundation is a non-profit civil law foundation. Its founders are Brandenburg and the Federal Republic of Germany represented by the Federal Government Representative for Cultural and Media Affairs (BKM). The Board is made up of Christel Hartmann-Fritsch, Director of “Artistic and cultural dialogue in Europe”, Martin Koopmann, Director of “European dialogue”, and Rita Süssmuth, honorary board member.
The Foundation has financial resources only for the implementation of its own projects”.

Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation
The Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation promotes relations between Germany and Poland. Within almost 25 years, 15,000 Polish-German projects have been financed, thus strengthening the foundations of mutual understanding. Projects actively addressing the European context are growing in importance for the foundation. The foundation encourages shared responsibility between Poland and Germany to ensure peaceful, socially fair coexistence in Europe.

Otazu Foundation
The Otazu Foundation was created in 2016 in order to manage the activities of the art center located in the Navarese city of Otazu (Spain). The Kablanc collection, the collection of contemporary art displayed in its space, mainly consists of Iberian and Latin-American artworks. The Foundation proposes a wide panel of artistic activities around the collection. It pursues an objective of general interest. Its mission is to promote an experimental art space in relationship with nature, environment and the challenges of today’s society, a space that facilitates reflection, communication and the production of ideas within the framework of the social dialogue opened by contemporary artists. The Foundation seeks to foster knowledge and investigates the social, economical and creative mechanisms that define our time.
President, Guillermo Penso Blanco.

Kaviar Factory
The KaviarFactory is an international contemporary art center created in 2012 by the Norwegian
collectors Rolf and Venke Hoff. Located in Henningsvær, in the middle of the archipelago of Lofoten,
Norway, it takes advantage of its off-the-grid location and aims to offer experiences and confrontations
that never previously have been available to such regions. Passionate about contemporary art, Rolf and
Venke Hoff quickly focused on supporting young artists. The KaviarFactory organizes one exhibition a
year, mostly with works from their collection, but also from other artists. Works from their collection
are regularly lent to institutions and exhibitions both in Norway and abroad.
Founders and directors: Rolf and Venke Hoff.

Haubrok Foundation
The mission of the Haubrok Foundation is to promote contemporary art by presenting exhibitions and supporting and facilitating art projects. It supports countless artistic initiatives, in particular those formerly known as Haubrokshows, which now go by the name of Haubrokprojects.
The Foundation’s principal capital is made up of central works from the Haubrok Collection, whose long-term future was secured when 14 artworks were donated by Barbara and Axel Haubrok. Later, 13 of these pieces were transferred to the Berlin State Museums in 2010 as part of a permanent loan.
In 2015, some of the Haubrok Foundation’s works were displayed for the 14th edition of Propos d’Europe (Thoughts that Breathe).

DRAF (David Roberts Art Foundation)
DRAF (David Roberts Art Foundation) is a non-profit foundation based in London dedicated to contemporary art. It was established on the initiative of the art collector and philanthropist David Roberts in 2007. It has since been managed by Vincent Honoré, who works with his team to produce a programme of exhibitions, performances and events.
In 2014, some of DRAF’s works were exhibited for Propos d’Europe 13, entitled Le musée d’une nuit (script for leaving traces).

Giuliani Foundation
The Fondazione Giuliani per l’arte contemporanea is a private, non-profit foundation dedicated to the advocacy, research, and exhibition of contemporary art. It was founded in 2010 by contemporary art collectors Giovanni and Valeria Giuliani, and is under the directorship and curatorial programming of Adrienne Drake.
In 2013, some of the Giuliani Foundation’s pieces were displayed during the Propos d’Europe 12 exhibition (Despite Our Differences).

The French Centre of Foundations
In 2002, the Hippocrene Foundation was involved in creating the French Centre of Foundations (Centre Français des Fonds et Fondations).
The purposes of this centre are to provide foundations with a platform for exchanges and the sharing of experiences, provide all populations with information about foundations, offer advice for the creation and development of foundations, and represent the shared interests of French foundations before the authorities. The Hippocrene Foundation is a member of the centre’s Board of Governors and represents family foundations in particular.

Un esprit de famille
Un Esprit de Famille is an association under the French Act of 1901 that brings together people managing a family fund or foundation who share common values and want to take action together to: optimise their own practices by discussing their strategies, governance structures and modes of organisation; build their resources and skills in particular to support projects and associations; encourage the development of private philanthropy through experience-sharing and support.
Un Esprit de Famille is supported by a group of families who are all independent and unique and yet are united together around the common themes of sharing, mutual assistance and exchanges.