The Hippocrene Prize for European Education is a competition offered to schools to reward the best European partnership projects developed by a class and its teachers.

The Hippocrene Prize for European Education is a competition offered to schools that rewards the best European partnership projects developed by a class and its teachers.

This prize was launched in 2010 at the initiative of the Hippocrene Foundation, which decided that Europe should be built from school on.


The objective through this prize, financed to the tune of 40,000 euros by the Hippocrene Foundation, is to give young people the desire for Europe. In practice, the Prize supports training in Europe, mobility, exchanges, and projects that are the best means for young people to concretize their belonging to this common whole that is Europe.

The competition consists in presenting a file putting into perspective an original European partnership project developed by the class with its teacher(s). It will be a question, within the framework of exchanges with young Europeans, of working on any theme that can illustrate the issues and the common values of the European Union (actions of commitment, theme of action such as the environment, the fight against discrimination, the defense of freedoms, the promotion of a European culture and its heritage).

The strength of the Hippocrene Prize is that it allows all types of schools, teachers and students to apply and have a chance to win a prize: rural school, vocational high school, agricultural education; elitist school or in a priority area, public or private school, the European partnership is for everyone!


Six prizes are awarded each year to finance the proposed projects :
Five prizes of €5000, one for each of the 5 categories of schools that can participate: elementary school, middle schools, general high schools, vocational high schools, agricultural education,
as well as a Grand Prize of €10,000.
Additional funding is dedicated to the travel of the winning students and teachers for the different phases of the Prize, the award ceremony as well as the promotion of the project.


Since 2017, a partnership with the Representation in France of the European Commission: has allowed the creation of a prize dedicated to agricultural education and to create a better visibility of the awarded projects.


The Hippocrene Prize for European Education is organized in partnership with the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, the support of the Representation in France of the European Commission, with the participation of Erasmus+ France, the Maison de l’Europe de Paris, Citoyennes pour l’Europe, AEDE-France and All of Europe as media partners.. The award ceremony is organized at the European Parliament in Strasbourg in partnership with ENA.

Information for the 2022 edition of the competition



Each year, the annual Circle of Friends evening helps finance the Hippocrene Prize for European.

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