Remise des Prix Hippocrène 2011
Remise des Prix Hippocrène 2011
2011 Hippocrene Prize
With a total amount of €35,000, the 2011 Hippocrene Prize for Education for Europe rewarded proud to be awarded their prizes by European personalities and key figures in the world of education: Michèle Guyot-Roze, President of the Hippocrene Foundation; Sonia Dubourg Lavroff, from Bordeaux City Hall, Deputy Mayor in charge of relations with the European Union and Director of European and international relations and cooperation for the French Ministry of National Education; Jan Truszczynski, Director-General for Education and Culture for the European Commission; Antoine Godbert, Director of the Europe Education Formation France agency, 2E2F; Patrick Gérard, Rector of Paris; Jean-Louis Nembrini, Rector of Bordeaux.
“The originality and diversity, the daring we could even say, of the projects proposed in 2011 by the classes in the five school districts that took part in the Hippocrene Prize perfectly fulfilled the objectives of openess, discovery and role-play, taking the unusual context of a country whose language, inhabitants and customs are not always familiar as an opportunity to develop very concrete projects” declared Michèle Guyot-Roze.
The Hippocrene Prize showcases a wide variety of projects and experiments undertaken by imaginative, willing teams in schools on the themes of Europe and European citizenship. This is an invitation to renew the experience in 2012, driven by the same spirit that was established when the Prize was created.