Remise des Prix Hippocrène 2013
Prix Hippocrène de l'éducation à l'Europe 2013 : remise des prix
Prix Hippocrène de l'éducation à l'Europe 2013 : projet « VOICE »
L'école élémentaire de Vouillers (Marne). Au Parlement européen, les élèves de l'école se sont vus récompensés en main propre par Antoine Godbert pour leur projet VOICE (Values, Ideas and Opinions of Children in Europe)
Prix Hippocrène de l'éducation à l'Europe 2013 : Cirque-Circus-Zusammen
Jean-Marie Cavada et Malo Mofakhami ont remis leur prix aux acrobates du collège Pierre Brossolette de Noyelles-sous-Lens pour leur projet Cirque-Circus-Zusammen.
Prix Hippocrène de l'éducation à l'Europe 2013 : véhicule écologique
Les élèves du lycée Léonard de Vinci de Soissons ont été félicités par Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, qui a salué l'engagement de ces lycéens dans la lutte contre le changement climatique et la préservation de la planète par leur projet de construction d'un véhicule écologique.
Prix Hippocrène de l'éducation à l'Europe 2013 : « Swedish and French visons of Europe »
La classe européenne du lycée Baudelaire de Cran-Gevrier a été récompensée par Alain Lamassoure et Michèle Guyot-Roze pour son projet « Swedish and French visons of Europe ».
2013 Hippocrene Prize
On 22 May 2013, delegations of winners were welcomed in Strasbourg to represent their school and receive their prize at the European Parliament. The official 2013 Hippocrene Prize ceremony took place in the presence of François Brunagel, Head of Protocol of the European Parliament, Catherine Lalumière, former Minister and President of Maison de l'Europe de Paris, and Malo Mofakhami, President of the European Youth Parliament (France).
The winning students and their teachers were very moved and proud to be awarded their prize by leading European educational figures. For example, students from Vouillers elementary school received their prize from Antoine Godbert for their project "VOICE (Values, Ideas and Opinions of Children in Europe)". Jean-Marie Cavada and Malo Mofakhami awarded a prize to acrobats from Pierre Brossolette middle school for their project "Cirque-Circus-Zusammen". As for the students from Léonard de Vinci secondary school, they were congratulated by Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, who recognised their commitment to the fight against climate change and the preservation of the earth with the construction of an eco-friendly vehicle. The European class from Baudelaire secondary school was honoured by Alain Lamassoure and Michèle Guyot-Roze, for its project entitled "Swedish and French visons of Europe".
All of the winners were then able to enjoy a cocktail-reception in anticipation of a visit of the Parliament the following day.
Once again, the award ceremony for the Hippocrene Prize provided an opportunity for rich meetings and exchanges between European students and officials. It was encouraging for the Hippocrene Foundation, which was delighted to have supported the creativity and energy of these teachers and their students.
Thank you all for these moments shared together in a wonderful European ambiance!