Pintura abstracta n°46, 2002 , Acrylique sur toile , 150 x 100 cm
Courtesy Galerie Renos Xippas, Paris

Silence, 2002 , Technique mixte sur toile , 130 x 195 cm

Save Money, 2001 , Huile sur toile , 210 x 190 cm
Courtesy Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris

The Rain in Spain (détail), 2002 , Acrylique sur bois , Polyptyque 7 panneaux (4 x 30 x 150 cm ; 1 x 80 x 80cm ; 2 x 150 x 150 cm)
Collection de l'artiste

Continuerà a crescere tranne che in quel punto, 1978 , Photographie de Giuseppe Penone
© Respirer l'ombre, Ensba

Symboles, 2001 , Acier/fer découpé
Courtesy Galerie Samy Kinge, Paris
Propos d’Europe I
“If we could find a guiding theme for this first edition, which focuses on Germany, England, Spain, France, Greece and Italy, it might be that of symbol-meaning, of the search for a language (the water of the Hippocrene fountain, which burst forth when the ground was struck by the hoof of Pegasus, was regarded as a source of poetic inspiration), whether symbolic (Venieri), between figure and abstraction (Broto), more conceptual (Freestone) or narrative (Favre), or else closer to traces (Penone, Daviot)”.
Pascale Le Thorel