Sans titre, 2004 , Photographie sur aluminium

Sans titre, 2004 , Vinyle et cire sur toile , 300 x 300 cm

La Robe puissance, 2002

Monobloc 1, 2, 3, 4, 2003
Würrtembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart

Daedal(us), 2003 , Photographie couleur , 120 x 80 cm
Propos d’Europe III
This exhibition is the third in an series called “Propos d’Europe” whose aim is to exhibit, around a variety of themes, the works of artists living in several European countries or whose pieces have been inspired by their culture. The first focused on traces, language and memory, going back to Greek sources and then returning to contemporary subjects. The second addressed the theme of a common home, which some people only dream of, based on the sharing of tombs from the past. This year, the theme of territory is in the spotlight.
The notion of territory immediately emerges as a plural notion. Unlike the Earth, which expresses physical unity, territories express the ideas of fragmentation and movement.