Monsieur et Madame Hoff à la Kaviar Factory

Salle principale 2

Salle principale

Milja Laurila, To remember; The Secret, 2004

Keller & Kosmas (Aids-3D) Ideal work (creative work), 2010
Propos d’Europe 15 : EXPANDING FRONTIERS
For the 15th edition of Propos d’Europe, a yearly exhibition of contemporary art promoting the encounters and creativity of confirmed and emerging European artists, the Hippocrène Foundation is inviting the Norwegian KaviarFactory and paying a tribute to the Nordic contemporary art scene. From September 29th to December 3rd 2016, the former studio of the modernist architect Robert Mallet-Stevens will be hosting part of the collection of Rolf and Venke Hoff – prominent Norwegian collectors for 30 years and founders of an art center in the Lofoten islands – for the very first time abroad. This exhibition, entitled Expanding Frontiers, is curated by Rolf Hoff and will showcase about thirty – mostly conceptual – artworks in every media and from twenty-five Norwegian, Scandinavian as well as international contemporary artists, most of them being little known in Europe and exhibited in France for the very first time. This exhibition will also be the fourth collaboration of the Hippocrène Foundation with a European private foundation or structure dedicated to contemporary art.
With Gediminas Akstinas (Lithuania), Knut Åsdam (Norway), Bjørn Bjarre (Norway), Mikael Brkic (Norway), Gardar Eide Einarsson (Norway), Dag Erik Elgin (Norway),
Hreinn Fridfinnson (Iceland), Yngve Holen (Germany-Norway), Adam Jeppesen (Denmark), Henrik Olai Kaarstein (Norway), Saman Kamyab (Norway), Keller & Kosmas (Aids-3D) (USA), Giorgi Khaniashvili (Georgia), Milja Laurila (Finland), Erik
Lindman (USA), Bjarne Melgaard (Norway), Ole Jørgen Ness (Norway), Rolf Nowotny (Denmark), Børre Sæthre (Norway), Kristian Skylstad (Norway), Kjartan Slettemark (Sweden-Norway), Anders Smebye (Norway), Matthew Stone (Great Britain), Ryszard Warsinski (Poland-Norway), and Ebbe Stub Wittrup (Denmark).
The KaviarFactory is an international contemporary art center created in 2012 by the Norwegian collectors Rolf and Venke Hoff. Located in Henningsvær, in the middle of the archipelago of Lofoten, Norway, it takes advantage of its off-the-grid location and aims to offer experiences and confrontations that never previously have been available to such regions. Passionate about contemporary art, Rolf and Venke Hoff quickly focused on supporting young artists. The KaviarFactory organizes one exhibition a year, mostly with works from their collection, but also from other artists. Works from their collection are regularly lent to institutions and exhibitions both in Norway and abroad. www.kaviarfactory.com | Founders and directors: Rolf and Venke Hoff.