Festival de Cinéma Européen des Arcs
The 2016 Les Arcs European Film Festival aims to promote and disseminate European filmmaking with an exclusively European programme, to demonstrate that European cinema does not have to be elitist, and that talented producers merit a wider audience beyond their national borders. Presenting a carefully selected and accessible range of films, the festival introduces audiences to the richness, diversity and major trends in European cinema, which suffers from a lack of visibility on the continent’s cinema screens despite the fact that it represents a powerful lever for action in terms of building European identities. Over the years, the festival has set up close working partnerships with French national and local education authorities, regional authorities for art and culture, Lycéens et Apprentis au Cinéma and local schools, This enables it to host an increasing number of young people from across France each year, audiences which, geographically, often have little access to or difficulties in accessing culture.