Culture, Pépite

Pièce de théâtre “Nous le peuple européen, six personnages en quête d’Europe”

Catherine Guibourg, who wrote the play, and the Tyr and Sidon association, which selects the directors and actors, will present the play “Nous le peuple européen” at the Avignon Arts Festival in July 2019. Performances are also scheduled in April/May 2019 in a number of theatrical venues in France, ahead of the important European elections on 26 May. Given its subject and playful treatment by the theatre, this play is also intended for a young audience. It features 6 characters, from different European origins, who discuss and challenge each other so as to more clearly define the Europe of their dreams. This ambitious and extremely timely project requires a substantial budget, hence the use of crowdfunding to mobilise a maximum of European citizens, made aware of the key issue of Europe’s future and its transformation against a challenging political backdrop.
