Les Surligneurs Europe
This project is supported by the association Les Surligneurs, a group of teacher-researchers whose mission is to improve the quality of public debate, at the time of the massification of information and false news, by practicing ” legal fact-checking ”, namely the verification of the conformity with the law of the statements made by public figures. The Highlighters produce weekly podcasts in partnership with Amicus Radio called “Objection your Europe” ( https://lessurligneurs.eu/ecouter ); a weekly column on euradio ( http://euradio.fr/?s=surligneurs ); an editorial partnership with Le Monde. The Europe Highlighters Pole, which is under development, mobilizes volunteer law students who seek to verify the statements of political figures of the Union and of European heads of state and government. This Europe pole has the additional objective of publishing, until the next European elections in 2024, between two and five articles per week, both for the general public and for experts.
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